How to Know if Your Dryer Vent Already Needs Cleaning

How to Know if Your Dryer Vent Already Needs Cleaning. Dryers have been helping so many households to dry their clothes. So, as a dryer owner, you also need to help your machine maintain its integrity so that it can provide optimum performance. For sure, you wouldn’t want to have “clean” laundry with a disgusting smell. So, look out for your dryer because it may be the cause of that smell.

If you think your dryer doesn’t need any cleaning at all, think again. Your dryer vent is one of the critical parts of your dryer that requires some cleaning from time to time. It’s crucial to have it cleaned once a year to avoid fire hazards and higher power bills and achieve a more efficient performance.

It’s important to clean your dryer vent regularly to prevent a fire and maintain the efficiency of your dryer. Here are some signs that your dryer vent needs cleaning.

Clothes take longer to dry: If it’s taking longer than usual for your clothes to dry, it could be a sign that your dryer vent is clogged. A clogged vent restricts the airflow, which can make your dryer less efficient. Burning smell: If you notice a burning smell when you run your dryer, it could be a sign that lint has built up in the vent and is getting overheated.

To help you know when’s the perfect time to have your dryer vent cleaned, here are some of the signs:

1. If It Cannot Dry out Your Laundry

If your dryer is not serving its intended purpose, which is to dry clothes, it’s a clear indication that there’s something wrong with your dryer vent. You should have it cleaned right away because it will be hard for a dirty dryer vent to circulate the air throughout the unit. If this is the case, your laundry will be less-than-dry, which may also lead to unit damage.

2. If Your Laundry Is Overly Hot

You can know if your dryer vent needs cleaning if you take out an overly hot laundry after the dryer cycle is done. Your laundry may be hot because of the clogged dryer vent.

The dryer vent cycles hot air and moisture out of the unit. If it’s clogged, the heat can get trapped in the same way moisture can. If you don’t have your dryer vent cleaned right away, your clothes might get damaged, and your unit may not be able to take the heat, which can lead to a fire.

3. If the Temperature in the Room Is Hot

Another sign that your dryer vent is clogged and needs to be cleaned is when the room where your dryer is becomes hot. If your dryer vent is working correctly, the room temperature is not supposed to rise no matter how many loads you run.

You should call for a dryer vent cleaning professional to avoid possible fire incidents immediately after you notice this sign.

4. If Your Laundry Smells Musty

No one wants to have smelly laundry. Once you start noticing that your clean laundry smells musty after taking it out from the dryer, you should have your dryer vent cleaned right away since it’s the primary culprit for why this happens.

5. If You Notice Excessive Lint and Debris

While the purpose of the lint trap is to get the lint from your laundry, it doesn’t mean that there should be much debris and lint in the lint tray. If you notice that there is more lint than usual, it just means that your dryer vent is clogged, and needs cleaning right away because lint and debris should pass through your dryer vent, not stay in the tray.

6. How often do dryer vents need to be cleaned?

For residential dryers that are used regularly, it’s recommended to have the vents cleaned at least once a year. If the dryer is used very frequently or there are many people in the household, the vents may need to be cleaned more often. For commercial dryers, such as those used in laundromats, it’s recommended to have the vents cleaned every three to six months, depending on the volume of laundry being processed.

7. How do I make sure my dryer vent is clear?

Locate the vent: Find the vent on the outside of your home. It’s usually a flap or grille that’s located on the side of your house or on the roof.

Clear the area Clear any debris or vegetation around the vent, which may be blocking it. Check the vent: Use a flashlight to look into the vent and check for any visible obstructions, such as lint or debris. If you can’t see any obstructions, move on to the next step.


If you want to prolong the life of your dryer unit, ensure that you practice proper maintenance and don’t overlook the dryer vent. If you left your dryer vent unchecked, it would only lead to clogging, reduced energy efficiency, reduced longevity, and worse, household fires. If you’re unsure when to clean your dryer vent, look out for these signs and call a professional dry vent cleaning service right away.

If you are looking for dryer duct cleaning in Toronto, Can Do Duct Cleaning is here to help! We specialize in providing dryer vent cleaning services in Greater Toronto and surrounding areas.

Our technicians can clear clogs, lint, and debris across the entire length of your vent tube, ranging from your dryer right to the outside of your home. Book your dryer vent cleaning with us today!

Central Vacuum System Maintenance

Central Vacuum System Maintenance. A central home vacuum makes homeowners’ lives easier. This type of fixed vacuum system can service the whole house. Everything can be filtered and collected in a central duct system for easy access and maintenance.

During its use, it will eventually need maintenance as a central vacuum will get clogged over time. Here are more details about maintaining your home vacuum system and vacuum ducts.

Maintaining your central vacuum system is important to ensure that it continues to function effectively and efficiently. Here are some tips for central vacuum system maintenance:

Change the filter: The filter in your central vacuum system should be changed every 3-6 months, depending on usage. A clogged filter can reduce suction power and cause the system to work harder, which can lead to increased energy usage and wear and tear.

Clean the canister: The canister that collects the dirt and debris should be emptied and cleaned regularly to prevent clogs and maintain suction power. Use a damp cloth to wipe down the canister, and empty it when it’s about two-thirds full.

Check the hose and attachments: Regularly inspect the hose and attachments for cracks or damage, and replace any parts that are worn or broken. A damaged hose or attachment can reduce suction power and cause the system to work harder, which can lead to increased energy usage and wear and tear.

Clean the brush roll: If your central vacuum system has a brush roll attachment, it should be cleaned regularly to remove hair and debris. Use scissors to cut away any tangled hair or threads, and use a damp cloth to wipe down the brush roll.

Schedule professional maintenance: Consider scheduling professional maintenance for your central vacuum system every 2-3 years. A professional technician can inspect and clean the system thoroughly, and identify any potential issues before they become major problems.

Common Clogging Issues

A central vacuum can provide convenience in house cleaning. All you have to do is connect your hose and nozzle to one vacuum system anywhere you are. All your dirt and particles go straight to the ducts and air filters. These systems are usually situated down the basement or another room.

However, we must take care of its input and avoid vacuuming damp or fine materials that can build up in corners. The amount of mixed dust, microparticles, hair, and other home debris can collect and build up in corners or major airways. Many homeowners who neglect these passageways may eventually need air duct cleaning as it gets worse.

Clogs Versus Leaks

While it’s easy to say the problem is just a clog. We might not easily see other problems in the air network. A leak might develop in the system, and it may not be as easy to detect as a clog. This phenomenon can weaken the vacuum suction force just the same.

It can manifest issues similar to a clog. But, it might be a leak hole or damage from the air duct or somewhere in the vents. Any holes or leaks will weaken the airflow. Make sure to check the whole air network for damage or small holes, particularly in connecting parts.

Common Vacuum Duct Solutions

Keeping air ducts clean may not be that easy in office building systems. Small hose types may be too tight to check and clean. In such cases, you need regular clearance and checking to keep these air systems clog-free.

Locating a clog may be difficult, especially if you’re using blowers or air pressure. You may need to clean central vacuum pipes for smaller blockages. A plumber’s snake or a high air pressure blower may get rid of stuck buildup dirt in the problem area.

Any air filters in the vacuum must be checked. Any blockage requires you to change filters to restore smooth vacuum airflow. If left unchecked, these issues will add strain and stress to your central vacuum machine. Too much suction force with a blockage may lead to overheating and damage.

Final Notes

Central home vacuums are indispensable cleaning solutions. They are very convenient, but you need to perform proper maintenance. It can be tedious to clean its air network systems if you don’t maintain them properly. Sometimes clogs or leaks just happen over time. There may be other similar issues you can’t see either.

In many cases of clogged air ducts, you need to call Can Do Duct Cleaning. We are an experienced and skilled cleaning team that specializes in air duct cleaning services. Don’t wait for your vacuum system to get strained; call us, and we’ll clean them thoroughly and professionally!

How to Properly Take Care of Your Home Central Vacuums

home central vacuums

How to Properly Take Care of Your Home Central Vacuums. Vacuums have long been a trusted housekeeping tool that makes cleaning easy and quick to do. Most households in Toronto have one, and it has helped many homeowners keep their house dust and fur-free. However, as time progresses, so does technology. Nowadays, a central vacuum is the new must-have in every house.

Why Install a Central Vacuum at Your House?

With the help of a central vacuum, you can get rid of bulky, noisy and heavy vacuum cleaners. In addition to that, you can have all your carpets and floor surfaces cleaned, with only one device that can be installed pretty much anywhere. If you already have one, you should know how to properly maintain and keep it in good condition so that you can use it for a long time.

  1. Improved air quality: Central vacuums are typically more powerful than traditional vacuum cleaners and have larger canisters, meaning they can capture more dust, dirt, and allergens. This can lead to improved air quality in your home and may be especially beneficial for people with allergies or respiratory issues.
  2. Convenience: With a central vacuum system, you don’t have to lug a heavy vacuum cleaner up and down stairs or from room to room. Instead, you simply plug the hose into a wall inlet and start cleaning. This can make cleaning faster and less of a hassle.

12 Easy Maintenance Tips for Central VacuumsHow to Properly Take Care of Your Home Central Vacuums

To ensure continuous operation and reap maximum benefits, follow these tips:

1. Choose a Location Carefully: Ensure the central vacuum is well-ventilated and not exposed to water or moisture.

2. Use the Central Vacuum Frequently: C.V. is specially made to clean continuously. If you use it only once in a while, you won’t get the most out of it. Furthermore, you can ensure that the unit will work to its maximum capacity if you regularly use it.

3. Change Bags or Filters Often: It is good to change the bag or switch over to the HEPA filter after every two or three uses.

4. Make Sure the Central Vacuum Is Plugged in the Right Way: If not, the unit may overheat.

5. Place the Central Vacuum Unit on a Flat Surface: Make sure it is away from sharp objects or edges.

6. Clean It Regularly: Like any other machine, a central vacuum is prone to dirt and dust. Make sure you clean it regularly to avoid clogging and other complications.

Also read:

7. Keep the Hose Off the Floor: The hose can be easily damaged when it gets into contact with wires and electrical appliances.

8. Don’t Block the Vents: The unit needs to have enough space to function correctly, so try to put it in a wide and unblocked area.

9. When in Doubt Buy New Parts: If you have doubts about how long your central vacuum has been in operation, consider having them checked or replacing them with brand new ones.

10. Use the Right Attachments: Avoid using the bare hose if you need to clean a surface that is hard to reach.

11. Don’t Use a Central Vacuum for Things Other Than Central Vacuum Cleaning: Make sure it only functions for what it is meant to do. Otherwise, you might subject it to unexpected damage.

12. Schedule Regular Inspections and Have Them Serviced Regularly: The best way to guarantee its full capacity to function is to let professionals in the field take good care and monitor your appliances.

  1. Regularly replace or clean the vacuum filter: Check the manufacturer’s recommendations for how often to replace or clean the vacuum filter. A dirty filter can decrease the suction power of the vacuum and reduce its efficiency.
  2. Empty the vacuum canister regularly: The canister of the central vacuum should be emptied frequently, especially if you have a lot of dirt and debris in your home. This will ensure that the vacuum continues to work properly and maintain its suction power.
  3. Check the vacuum hose and attachments for clogs: Check the hose and attachments for any blockages, and clear them as needed. Clogs can reduce the suction power of the vacuum and lead to damage to the motor.
  4. Inspect the vacuum head and brush roll: Regularly inspect the vacuum head and brush roll for any signs of wear and tear, and replace them if necessary. A damaged or worn brush roll can decrease the efficiency of the vacuum and cause damage to the flooring.
  5. Schedule professional maintenance: It’s important to have your central vacuum professionally serviced on a regular basis. This may include a thorough cleaning of the system, motor maintenance, and any necessary repairs or replacements.
  6. Store the attachments properly: Store the vacuum attachments in a dry, clean place to prevent damage to them and to make sure they are easily accessible when you need them.
  7. Keep the vacuum away from moisture: Central vacuums are not designed to handle moisture, so be sure to keep them away from water sources and avoid using them to clean up wet spills.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your home central vacuum continues to work effectively and efficiently for years to come.


Central vacuums are powerful, reliable, and easily installed in any house. Thanks to their efficient functionality, cleaning your home will be a breeze. All you need to do is set it on a flat surface, and it will get the job done for you.

Keeping your central vacuum working properly will undoubtedly add a few years of its lifespan. If you are looking for duct cleaning services in Ontario, contact us at Can Do Duct Cleaning. We specialize in professional central vac cleaning services throughout Greater Toronto Area. We provide free on-site inspection and cost estimates.

Dirty Air Ducts on Your Family’s Health

dirty air ducts

Dirty Air Ducts on Your Family’s Health. Clean air ducts significantly improve indoor air quality. If this is the case, have you considered the consequences of not having your dirty air ducts cleaned?

Poor air quality may have a greater negative impact on your family than you realize. Take a look at some of the harmful effects of unclean vents on your and your family’s wellbeing. Give us a call us to clean your diry air ducts anywhere in Ontario.

Dirty air ducts can have a negative impact on your family’s health in several ways:

  1. Indoor air pollution: Dirty air ducts can circulate dust, dirt, pollen, pet dander, and other allergens throughout your home, leading to indoor air pollution. This can trigger asthma and allergy symptoms, and may also cause headaches, fatigue, and other respiratory issues.
  2. Mold growth: If there is moisture in your air ducts, it can create a breeding ground for mold and mildew. Mold spores can spread throughout your home, causing respiratory problems and allergic reactions.
  3. Bacteria and viruses: Dirty air ducts can also harbor bacteria and viruses, which can lead to illnesses such as colds, flu, and other respiratory infections.
  4. Unpleasant odors: If there is mold, mildew, or other debris in your air ducts, it can create unpleasant odors that can make your home less comfortable to live in.
  5. Decreased indoor air quality: Poor indoor air quality can lead to a range of health problems, from headaches and fatigue to more serious respiratory issues.

To minimize the negative impact of dirty air ducts on your family’s health, it’s important to have your air ducts cleaned regularly. This will remove dust, dirt, and other debris, as well as any mold or mildew that may be present. You should also change your air filters regularly and use high-quality air filters to trap allergens and other pollutants. Finally, consider using an air purifier to improve indoor air quality and reduce the risk of respiratory problems.

What are Dirty Air Ducts

Duct cleaning professionals always talk about the “stuff” that accumulates in your air ducts and circulates throughout your home. Here are some of them:

  • Bacteria
  • Chemical pollutants
  • Dust and dust mites
  • Fungi
  • Insects
  • Mould and mildew
  • Pest droppings
  • Pollen
  • Rodents
  • Tobacco by-products
  • Viruses

Health Symptoms Caused by Dirty Air Ducts

If you or a member of your family is experiencing any of the following symptoms, you may have to get your air ducts checked and cleaned as soon as possible.

  • Congested or runny nose
  • Coughing
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Eczema or rashes
  • Headache
  • Itchy or watery eyes
  • Low-grade fever
  • Sneezing
  • Sore throat
  • Wheezing

General Bad Effects of Unclean Vents

  • Result in Dry and Itchy Skin

Mould and mildew spread throughout the air by dirty air ducts can aggravate or cause skin conditions, such as eczema, rashes, and hives.

  • Lead to Respiratory Conditions

If your family experiences any of the symptoms mentioned above, they may have upper respiratory infections due to dirty air ducts. If your air ducts remain unclean, these problems could worsen into a lower respiratory infection like bronchitis or pneumonia.

  • Encourage Tired or Unwell Feelings

As your family’s bodies fight off the bacteria in the air that come from dirty air ducts, their immune systems are activated. As a result, they may begin to feel tired, rundown, and generally ill when they stay at home.

Increase Stress

Because dirty air ducts no longer filter indoor air as they should, dust in your home continues to circulate the house instead of disappearing. The stress of cleaning filthy air ducts can be excruciating after all.

  • Make You Catch a Cold

Different viruses and bacteria can affect the sinuses and the entire body, causing the common cold and all of its troubling symptoms.

  • Trigger Sinus Infections

As bacteria and viruses go around your indoor air, they may find their way into your loved ones’ sinuses, causing further infection.

  • Worsen Pulmonary Conditions

Dirty air vents can harm family members suffering from asthma or allergies because allergens present in the indoor air cause increased and more prolonged attacks, making them sick.

Furthermore, studies showed that patients suffering from pulmonary health conditions saw their condition improve when their primary living space received regular air duct cleaning. Results indicate that dirty air ducts can worsen the condition of family members suffering from pulmonary illnesses.


Can dirty air ducts cause health problems?

Yes, dirty air ducts can cause health problems. Dirty air ducts can harbor a variety of contaminants, including dust, dirt, pollen, pet dander, mold, and bacteria. When air is circulated through these contaminated ducts, these contaminants can be released into your home and breathed in by you and your family.

Breathing in these contaminants can cause a range of health problems, especially for people who suffer from allergies or respiratory issues.

Is it important to clean the ducts in your house?

  1. Improved indoor air quality: Over time, dust, dirt, and other pollutants can build up in your ductwork, reducing the quality of the air you breathe. Cleaning your ducts can help remove these contaminants and improve indoor air quality.
  2. Energy savings: When your ducts are dirty, your HVAC system has to work harder to circulate air throughout your home, which can lead to higher energy bills. Cleaning your ducts can help improve the efficiency of your system and lower your energy costs.
  3. Longer lifespan for your HVAC system: A clean HVAC system is less likely to experience breakdowns or other problems, which can extend the lifespan of your system and help you avoid costly repairs.
  4. Reduction of allergens and irritants: Clean ducts can help reduce the amount of allergens and irritants in your home, which can be especially beneficial for people with allergies or respiratory problems.

It is generally recommended to have your ducts cleaned every 3-5 years, or more often if you have pets, smokers, or family members with allergies or respiratory problems. However, it is important to hire a reputable professional to clean your ducts to ensure that the job is done correctly and safely.


You do not want to compromise your family’s health by skipping something as simple as getting your air ducts cleaned. This is a task that ensures a fresh environment in your home and protects the health of your loved ones.

In choosing professionals to handle your property, it is also essential to hire ones who can provide you with a clear quote for the services you need. Also, they should identify the best solutions for managing your air ducts.

If you are looking for home duct cleaning services in Toronto, turn to Can Do Duct Cleaning. Our high-quality equipment, professionalism, and expertise make us the best choice for duct cleaning services in Greater Toronto and surrounding areas. Schedule an appointment today.

How to Know If You Have Blocked Air Ducts

How to Know If You Have Blocked Air Ducts. A typical HVAC isn’t as complex as you might think. In essence, an HVAC system utilizes lines of ducts to distribute air through your home whether it be hot or cold. Since it is often used, there are times when it can experience blockage, which could affect the overall performance of your HVAC system.

Over time, when your HVAC system experiences blockage, you’ll find that the system will start to overwork itself, which could lead to a plethora of issues, such as damages, insufficient airflow, and more.

Of course, if you’re experiencing these issues, it’s always a good idea to get credible air duct cleaning services to ensure you eliminate dust and debris that’s causing blockages in your HVAC system’s ducts.

If you’re wondering when it’s time to call in the professionals, keep reading. In this article, we’ll share the signs you should look for to let you know that your ducts may have some blockage issues.

How to Know If You Have Blocked Air Ducts

Blocked air ducts can negatively impact the efficiency of your HVAC system and cause other issues, such as poor indoor air quality. Here are some signs that you may have blocked air ducts:

  1. Poor air flow: One of the most common signs of blocked air ducts is poor air flow from your HVAC system. You may notice that certain rooms or areas of your home are not getting enough cool or warm air.
  2. Higher energy bills: Blocked air ducts can cause your HVAC system to work harder than necessary, leading to higher energy bills. If you notice a sudden increase in your energy bills, it may be a sign that your air ducts are blocked.
  3. Strange odors: Blocked air ducts can trap dust, dirt, and other debris, leading to unpleasant smells coming from your HVAC system.
  4. Dirty air filters: If your air filters are getting dirty quickly, it may be a sign that your air ducts are blocked and not allowing air to flow through properly.
  5. Allergies or respiratory issues: Blocked air ducts can lead to poor indoor air quality, which can trigger allergies or respiratory issues for some people. If you notice that you or your family members are experiencing allergy or respiratory symptoms, it may be a sign that your air ducts need to be cleaned.

If you suspect that you have blocked air ducts, it’s important to have a professional HVAC technician inspect your system and clean the ducts if necessary. Regular maintenance and cleaning of your air ducts can help improve the efficiency of your HVAC system and promote better indoor air quality.

Sign 1: You’re Experiencing Different Temperatures

Perhaps the biggest tell-tale sign that your air ducts have blockage is that if you noticed that your home has a difference in temperatures. This is most noticeable if you set your thermostat to your desired temperature all over your home but notice it isn’t as warm or cool as the other spaces.

Sign 2: You’re Paying More

If you’re starting to notice that your energy bills are going up, there could be a chance that your HVAC is overworking itself to reach the desired temperature you want. However, because they are overworking themselves, they tend to use more energy, ultimately increasing your bills.

So if you notice a slight uptick, don’t ignore this sign, and it’s best to get air duct cleaning services right away to remedy the issue.

Sign 3: You Have Poor Indoor Air Quality

Air duct blockage can cause allergens and contaminants to enter your space. When this happens, it can cause respiratory issues and allergic reactions. So if you notice that you or your family members are starting to sneeze or cough, there could be a high chance that you’re breathing in poor air quality. For this reason, get credible air duct cleaning services to help you out and clean out its chambers.

How to Check for Air Duct Blockages

Ideally, you’ll want to clean out your air filter regularly to ensure there is no build-up of dander, pollen, debris, and other airborne contaminants.

Have regular inspections to ensure that your HVAC system isn’t experiencing alarming issues, such as mould and mildew growth, and more.

Make sure to get reputable air duct cleaning services to help clean out these issues and improve the performance of your HVAC system.

The Bottom Line: Professional Cleaning Can Help Improve the Overall Performance of Your HVAC System

There’s no doubt that air ducts play a huge role in the performance of your HVAC system. Once it has a blockage, you’ll notice that it will start to overwork itself, making it much harder to reach the desired temperature and good air quality for your home.

For that reason, it’s always a good idea to have air duct cleaning services on speed dial, so you can counter these issues right away!


How do you check for blocked air ducts?

Checking for blocked air ducts requires a few steps. Here’s what you can do to check if your air ducts are blocked:

  1. Check the air flow: The first thing to do is to check the air flow in each room of your home. Close all the windows and doors in the room and turn on the HVAC system. Check if the air flow is weak or non-existent in any room or area.
  2. Check the air filters: Check the air filters in your HVAC system. If the air filters are dirty and clogged, it may indicate that your air ducts are blocked. Clean or replace the air filters if needed.
  3. Inspect the air ducts: Visually inspect the air ducts in your home. Look for any signs of dirt, debris, or mold in or around the air ducts. Check for any damage or blockage that might be causing the air ducts to be blocked.
  4. Use a vacuum cleaner: Use a vacuum cleaner with a long hose attachment to clean the air ducts. Insert the hose into each air vent and move it around to suck out any dirt, debris, or blockage in the air ducts. Be careful not to damage the air ducts or the vent covers.
  5. Hire a professional: If you are not comfortable cleaning the air ducts yourself, or if you suspect there might be a more serious issue, it’s best to hire a professional HVAC technician. A professional technician can use specialized equipment to clean the air ducts thoroughly and inspect the entire HVAC system for any underlying issues.

How Can We Help You?

If you’re experiencing issues with your HVAC system, there could be a huge chance that your air ducts need professional cleaning. Fortunately, we’re here to help.

Can Do Duct Cleaning offers premium air duct cleaning services in Toronto and Ontario, including Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering, and more. Our team uses high-quality techniques and equipment to elevate the experience and results for every clean.

Learn more about our services and book an appointment with us today.

How Dirty Air Ducts Can Harm Your Health


How Dirty Air Ducts Can Harm Your Health. The air ducts are among the essential components of a heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) system.

They play a crucial role in distributing the heated or cooled air, allowing anyone to relax and enjoy comfortable temperature management around and even in business spaces. They do, however, need a certain amount of maintenance and regular cleaning, much like the rest of the underlying air system components.

It is essential to understand whether or not dirty air ducts may harm your health. While the majority of people continue to struggle with this issue, there is a straightforward solution. Dirty air ducts may contribute to discomfort and health issues, which is a proven truth. The buildup of dust and other allergens in your home may negatively impact your overall health.

Here are some examples of what dirty air ducts can do to your health:

Increased Sneezing

If being in a particular space induces more sneezes than it does elsewhere, there’s a chance that the dirty air being circulated is exacerbating your symptoms.

Whenever you come into contact with dust or irritants, your body’s natural reaction is to sneeze. Your lack of commitment to ducted cleaning may manifest itself when you begin to sneeze more often. It is critical not to dismiss these signals since clogged ducts may lead to more severe symptoms over time.

Regular Coughing

Coughing due to clogged air ducts is a common occurrence. Your HVAC system will almost certainly cause you to suffer from acute or chronic respiratory problems due to the dust it exhales. In the absence of proper air duct cleaning, respiratory allergies may quickly escalate to becoming a serious medical issue.

  1. Allergies: Allergies can cause coughing by irritating the respiratory tract. Common allergens include pollen, dust mites, and pet dander.
  2. Infections: Viral and bacterial infections such as the common cold, flu, bronchitis, and pneumonia can cause coughing.
  3. Asthma: Asthma is a chronic condition that causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath.
  4. COPD: COPD is a progressive lung disease that causes breathing difficulties and coughing.

Persistent Skin Irritation and Allergy Symptoms

Skin allergies are prevalent in people who live in areas with poor air quality and dust and those who work in these environments. Rashes, itches, and a variety of other symptoms may quickly appear. Air ducts that are not in good condition have the potential to degrade the overall quality of your house. It is essential to plan cleaning sessions for your HVAC system to operate at peak performance levels.

Frequent Congestion

Congestion is another health-related issue that may assist you in determining whether or not you have dirty ductwork. Developing a respiratory response to these polluted air conditions, shown as congestion, is expected over time. Regular air duct inspection will help you recognize when the system needs cleaning and maintenance. In turn, this improves your overall health.

Irritated Eyes

If you have put off cleaning your ducts for an extended period, you may find yourself dealing with the problem of continuously irritated eyes. Dust may irritate your eyes the same way it does when it gets into them, and you might be experiencing the same issue at home. Watery or itchy eyes and skin are not uncommon, but you should consider whether your ductwork is the culprit when they occur more frequently than they should.

Difficulties in Breathing

Low air quality can result in breathing problems. This symptom may be a sign of more serious underlying health problems, so if you’ve eliminated all other possibilities from your list, schedule a cleaning appointment as soon as possible.

  1. Anxiety: Anxiety can cause shortness of breath, chest pain, and other physical symptoms.
  2. Pulmonary embolism: Pulmonary embolism is a blood clot that travels to the lungs and can cause chest pain and difficulty breathing.


The accumulation of dust in air ducts may also result in headaches regularly. When it comes to a dirty HVAC system, they are one of the most often reported symptoms. Having a headache is one of the most fundamental reactions our bodies have when not feeling well. Homeowners should perform duct cleaning regularly to ensure their bodies remain in good health.

  1. Other medical conditions: Headaches can also be a symptom of other underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure, brain tumors, or infections.
  2. Cluster headaches: These headaches are a rare but severe type of headache that often occur in cycles, with periods of frequent attacks followed by periods of remission.

Final Thoughts

Pre-existing respiratory problems can deteriorate as a result of a dirty air duct system. That may be avoided by following a regular cleaning schedule for the air ducts. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms due to clogged air ducts, you must see a doctor. It is also essential to get in contact with duct cleaners so that you can plan a cleaning session so that your air ducts don’t end up causing additional damage to your respiratory system.

If you are looking for the best air duct cleaning in Toronto, Can Do Duct cleaning is an excellent choice to keep your family healthy. We have high-quality equipment and professional experts to offer! Contact us and schedule an appointment today!

A Quick Guide to Air Duct Cleaning

A Quick Guide to Air Duct Cleaning: Signs and Benefits. The heating ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system provides proper ventilation by the current weather conditions. It plays a significant role in your home, so it stands to reason that you must take care of it well.

Even if you put great effort into taking care of your HVAC system, it will always run into problems after some time, which is why you should always take note of signs that your air ducts need to be cleaned.

So, what are these signs? We listed them all down for you. Read on below to learn more.

A Quick Guide to Air Duct Cleaning

Air duct cleaning involves removing dust, dirt, and debris from the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) system’s air ducts. Here’s a quick guide to air duct cleaning:

  1. Determine if you need air duct cleaning: It’s not always necessary to clean your air ducts, and it can depend on various factors like the age of your home, the presence of pets or smokers, and the level of indoor air pollution. Consult with a professional to determine if your air ducts need cleaning.
  2. Hire a professional: If you decide to clean your air ducts, hire a professional with experience and the right equipment. Look for companies that are certified by NADCA (National Air Duct Cleaners Association) or other reputable organizations.
  3. Prep your home: Before the cleaning begins, make sure to clear the area around the HVAC system and move any furniture or objects that may be in the way. Cover vents and registers to prevent dust and debris from spreading throughout your home.
  4. Cleaning process: A professional air duct cleaning involves a combination of vacuuming and brushing the ducts to remove debris. They may also use specialized tools to dislodge and remove any buildup inside the ducts.
  5. Final inspection: After the cleaning is complete, a final inspection should be conducted to ensure all debris has been removed from the ducts. The HVAC system should also be checked for any damage or issues that may need to be repaired.
  6. Maintenance: Regular maintenance, including changing air filters and having your HVAC system inspected, can help prolong the life of your system and improve indoor air quality.

Overall, air duct cleaning can improve indoor air quality and the efficiency of your HVAC system. However, it’s essential to hire a professional and follow proper cleaning procedures to ensure the job is done effectively and safely.

What Enters Your HVAC System

The primary signs to look out for are particles that can be seen in your HVAC vents, such as dust, hair, and even fur. Aside from that, dust coating may even form on the grill.

Fine dust collects on air duct surfaces, vents, motors, and coils inside an HVAC system. If you have any pets, they may also contribute to the buildup of particles. Their hair and dander may also enter the vents as well.

If the buildup continues, it may invite worse things such as bacteria, allergens, and dust mites. These can cause sickness, which is why cleaning should be done.

Indicators of a Dirty Air Duct 

If you wish to conduct a full inspection of your air duct, consider the following steps:

  1. Open at least one of your vent covers and take a look inside. See if there’s any dirt, dust, or debris.
  2. Examine the return air registers for dust buildup, especially if there are thick and fuzzy coatings of dust.
  3. Carefully remove the air filter and see if it is filled with or clogged with dust. If so, keep in mind that this is what obstructs the airflow. If not cleaned as soon as possible, more dust will follow.
  4. Open the furnace compartment. Examine the blower fan and motor if there are any signs of dust. Aside from that, do the same thing for the furnace controls.
  5. Take a look at the air conditioning coil. In some HVAC systems, a panel needs to be removed first. If the coil is dusty or has dust clinging to the housing walls, the air filter isn’t working correctly, and it needs to be cleaned.

The Benefits of Air Duct Cleaning

While it’s alright not to have your air ducts cleaned for an extended period, make sure not to wait too long. The ideal time that you should have your air ducts cleaned is every 3 to 5 years.

If you clean your air ducts routinely, you can prevent many health and maintenance problems before they even start. Other benefits include:

  • Better performance from your HVAC system
  • Lesser need for extensive and costly repairs
  • Energy efficiency, which reduces utility bills
  • Lower chances of allergies and other respiratory problems

Cleaning Your Air Ducts

Air duct cleaning, no matter how proficient you may be, is not a DIY project. Your air ducts can only be cleaned thoroughly with the use of industry-standard equipment. Simply put, you will need to hire a professional service.

Cubic feet per minute (CFM) measure suction power when it comes to air duct cleaning equipment. Granted, there is some pretty accessible cleaning equipment, but most of them are only measured at 250 CFM. This means that these types of equipment lack the suction power to clean out everything that’s giving you trouble in your air ducts.

On the other hand, cleaning systems mounted in trailers or vans can do well for tiny houses because they’re measured at 400 to 1,000 CFM. While effective for smaller homes, they won’t work for bigger ones because they still lack the suction power.

Anyone’s best chance of cleaning their air ducts at home is hiring a professional service that uses the truck-mounted systems. These cleaning systems have a suction power of 16,000 CFM, which is more than enough for any home. It completely eradicates any buildup of dust, dirt, and debris from your air ducts.


Cleaning your air ducts at home is a necessary measure to ensure that your home is adequately ventilated. If your air ducts are cleaned, you will notice positive results, significantly improving your home’s ventilation and eradicating airborne contaminants.

Can Do Duct Cleaning provides some of the best duct cleaning services in Brampton. If your home’s HVAC system seems to be giving up on you, it just needs cleaning. Contact us today and allow us to help you!

Why Is Air Duct Cleaning before the Wintertime Essential

Why Is Air Duct Cleaning before the Wintertime Essential. Air duct cleaning removes all airborne dust and debris from the ducting systems of HVAC units, and it’s something you should think about before winter.

Because of the cold temperatures, your central air system needs to function more efficiently than in the summer. A thorough air duct cleaning is necessary to improve the efficiency of your furnace.

In this article, you will learn about the importance of air duct cleaning before wintertime and why you should pay attention to it.

Air duct cleaning before the wintertime is essential for several reasons:

  1. Improved Indoor Air Quality: During the winter months, people tend to spend more time indoors, which means they are exposed to indoor air pollutants for longer periods. Cleaning your air ducts before the winter can help improve the indoor air quality by removing accumulated dust, allergens, and other contaminants from the ductwork. This can reduce the risk of respiratory problems and allergies.
  2. Efficient Heating: The winter season can put a lot of strain on your heating system, and if your air ducts are clogged or dirty, it can make it harder for your system to function efficiently. Cleaning your ducts before the winter can ensure that your heating system works optimally, reducing energy consumption and heating costs.
  3. Prevention of Health Hazards: Dirty air ducts can harbor mold, bacteria, and other harmful pathogens that can cause respiratory issues, such as asthma and allergies. Cleaning your ducts before winter can help prevent the spread of these health hazards.
  4. Prevention of Fire Hazards: Over time, dust and debris can accumulate in the ductwork, creating a fire hazard when the heating system is turned on. Cleaning your air ducts before winter can help prevent these types of hazards.

Overall, air duct cleaning before the winter season is essential for maintaining good indoor air quality, improving the efficiency of your heating system, preventing health and fire hazards, and ensuring the safety and comfort of your home during the winter months.

Advantages of Winter Air Duct Cleaning

Dirty air ducts reduce system efficiency, which can raise energy costs and shorten the lifespan of your furnace. You want your heating system to run at peak efficiency during the winter, which is why you should think about air duct cleaning.

Ninety percent of the time, a heating system fails due to dirt and dust accumulation. When it’s snowing outside, and the roads are closed, it’ll be much more difficult for an HVAC technician to get to your house unless you contact them before winter to schedule an air duct cleaning.

Here are other advantages of this activity:

Extends the Life of Your HVAC System

One of the most significant advantages of air duct cleaning services, regardless of the season, is that they extend the life of your HVAC system. As any commercial air duct cleaner will tell you, the more dust and dirt that accumulates, the harder an HVAC system has to work to do its job.

Why stress your system during one of your HVAC system’s busiest seasons? Instead, complete a residential or commercial duct cleaning to extend the life of your furnace.

Enhances Indoor Air Quality

It can be challenging to bring in the fresh air in the winter without sacrificing valuable heat. That is why, to improve air quality in the winter, commercial air duct cleaning companies recommend performing vent cleanings during the colder months.

Because HVACs can contain allergens, pollen, dust, bacteria, and fungi, the winter is the ideal time to prepare your system for a breath of fresh air before allergy season begins.

Maintains a Clean Space

Duct cleaning specialists can assist you in keeping your home or office clean. As HVAC systems age, the vents begin to collect dust and debris, which can spread throughout your space.

A simple vent cleaning can do wonders for the overall cleanliness of the area. Whether you need residential or commercial air duct cleaning, a professional air duct cleaner will make a significant difference in only one session.

Saves Money

Winter can be an expensive season for many homes and businesses due to the cost of heating your space. This is where professional duct cleaning companies can come in handy, both financially and for your health.

With a professional duct cleaning company working on your HVAC system, your system will be more efficient, resulting in your furnace running less frequently.

When to Schedule an Air Duct Cleaning

The following indicators point to the need for air duct cleaning:

  • Mould has grown inside your ducts or another component of your HVAC system
  • Some of the people who live in the house have allergies or asthma
  • There is a significant amount of dust and debris in your home
  • Your home has recently suffered water damage


Why is it important to clean your air ducts?

  1. Improved Indoor Air Quality: Over time, dust, dirt, and other pollutants can accumulate in your air ducts and circulate throughout your home, reducing the quality of the air you breathe. Cleaning your air ducts can help remove these contaminants, improving the indoor air quality of your home.
  2. Better HVAC System Efficiency: When your air ducts are dirty, your HVAC system has to work harder to circulate air throughout your home, which can lead to higher energy bills and reduce the lifespan of your system. Cleaning your air ducts can help improve the efficiency of your HVAC system, reducing energy consumption and extending the life of your system.

What time of year is best for air duct cleaning?

The best time of year for air duct cleaning can depend on several factors, including your location, climate, and personal circumstances. However, there are a few general guidelines that can help determine the best time for air duct cleaning:

  1. Spring or Fall: The transitional seasons of spring and fall can be an ideal time for air duct cleaning, as they provide a break between the hot and cold seasons. Cleaning your air ducts during these seasons can help prepare your HVAC system for the upcoming season and ensure that it runs smoothly.
  2. Before Moving In: If you are moving into a new home, it is a good idea to have the air ducts cleaned before you move in. This can help ensure that you are breathing clean air from the start and can prevent the spread of allergens and irritants from previous occupants.
  3. After Home Renovations: If you have recently completed renovations or remodeling in your home, it is a good idea to have the air ducts cleaned to remove any dust, debris, or construction materials that may have accumulated in the ductwork.
  4. When You Notice Problems: If you notice signs of poor indoor air quality, such as excessive dust or allergens, unusual odors, or respiratory problems, it may be time to have your air ducts cleaned.

Ultimately, the best time for air duct cleaning will depend on your specific circumstances and needs. It is important to work with a reputable professional who can assess your home’s air duct system and recommend the best course of action.


Cleaning your air ducts right now will save money on your energy bill, extend the life of your HVAC unit, and improve the quality of air in your home. What are you waiting for? Schedule one now!

For air duct cleaning services in Toronto, check out Can Do Duct Cleaning. Our high-quality equipment, professionalism, experience, and expertise are guaranteed to make us the best choice for duct cleaning services. Give us a call today!

Why You Need to Clean Your Ducts When You Have a Respiratory Condition


Why You Need to Clean Your Ducts When You Have a Respiratory Condition. Are you noticing that your asthma or allergies are occurring more often than usual? The culprit may be your dirty air ducts! Poor IAQ or indoor air quality can make people sick, especially those with respiratory conditions.

The American Lung Association said poor indoor air quality could cause infections and even worsen chronic breathing problems. The worst-case scenario is that it can contribute to the development of lung cancer.

If you need more convincing, Can Do Duct Cleaning, one of the best duct cleaning companies in Canada, tells you why air duct cleaning is necessary:

Cleaning your ducts can be beneficial for improving indoor air quality, reducing allergens, and preventing the spread of airborne pathogens. Here are some steps you can take to clean your ducts:

Inspect your ducts: Begin by inspecting your ducts to determine if they need cleaning. Look for signs of dirt, dust, or debris buildup inside the ducts, as well as any signs of mold or mildew.Clean or replace air filters: Air filters are an important part of your HVAC system and should be cleaned or replaced regularly to prevent dirt and debris from accumulating in the ducts.

Check your filters and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning or replacing them.Clean registers and vents: Remove the grilles from your registers and vents and clean them thoroughly with a brush and vacuum cleaner. This will help to remove any dirt or debris that may have accumulated there.

Use a vacuum cleaner: Use a high-powered vacuum cleaner with a long hose and brush attachment to clean the inside of your ducts. This will help to remove any dirt or debris that has accumulated inside the ducts.

Hire a professional: If you are uncomfortable or unsure about cleaning your ducts yourself, consider hiring a professional duct cleaning company. They will have specialized equipment and expertise to clean your ducts thoroughly and safely.

First, Is Poor Indoor Air Quality the Reason for Your Respiratory Problems?

If you already have respiratory problems, a dirty air duct can make it worse. That means you are more likely to experience such symptoms as coughing, wheezing, and difficulty breathing. More than that, the lingering smells in your home could also have a psychological effect as it makes you feel unclean. This can trigger stress and anxiety, too.

If you have asthma, these things that could accumulate in your air ducts can trigger an attack:

  • Cigarette smoke
  • Coal or wood smoke
  • Household chemical cleaners
  • Humidity
  • Mould and mildew
  • Pet dander
  • Pollen

According to the Government of Canada, almost 2.5 million Canadians aged 12 and higher live with asthma. That means it’s likely that someone in your family has it. A dirty air duct can put your family at risk of a dangerous asthma attack, which at its worst can be life-threatening.

Is Air Duct Cleaning Necessary?

While air duct cleaning is not a solve-all to your indoor air quality concerns, it does play a significant role. The air inside your home is dependent on your cooking habits, whether you smoke or not, if you have pets, and more. Contaminants from the outside and dirty air ducts can also affect the quality of the air inside.

Simply cleaning your dirty air ducts has significant effects as it can reduce the occurrence of respiratory problems. You should also do it to enjoy these benefits:

Allergens Are Reduced

Pollen, dust, and other allergens can accumulate in your air ducts over time and these can get recirculated by the system. When you regularly clean the air ducts, you can prevent this accumulation of allergens and enjoy safer air at home.

The Smell of Cigarette Smoke Is Eliminated

Many people do not know that the smell of their cigarette and vape smoke stays long after they’re done smoking. A clean duct can help with this problem.

  1. Ventilate the space: Open windows and use fans to increase air flow and remove smoke odors. You can also use an air purifier with a HEPA filter to help remove smoke particles from the air.
  2. Clean surfaces: Smoke can cling to surfaces like walls, floors, and furniture, so it’s important to clean these surfaces thoroughly. Use a cleaning solution that is designed to eliminate smoke odors, and be sure to wash curtains, bedding, and other fabrics that may have absorbed smoke.
  3. Use odor eliminators: There are many products available that are designed to eliminate smoke odors, such as odor-absorbing charcoal bags or sprays. You can also try using natural odor eliminators, such as baking soda or vinegar.

You Remove All Other Smells and Odours

If you cook a lot or if you have pets at home, it’s possible that there are smells in your home that are not as pleasant as you would like. Duct cleaning can help reduce those musty smells.

You Get a Cleaner Home

Just as you vacuum your floors and dust all the other surfaces, you should also clean your air ducts. This will help you maintain a cleaner and healthier home environment.


Considering the risks that come with dirty air ducts and the benefits of getting air duct cleaning services, you know what’s the right thing to do. To maintain the cleanliness of your house and for your family’s safety, include duct cleaning in your regular home maintenance checklist. It’s a good idea to have a professional team do it to ensure that it’s done properly, too.

Can Do Duct Cleaning offers reliable air duct cleaning services in Toronto. Contact our seasoned team to schedule your duct cleaning!

3 Signs of Blocked Air Ducts You Definitely Shouldn’t Ignore

washroom exhaust cleaning

3 Signs of Blocked Air Ducts You Definitely Shouldn’t Ignore. It is said that up to 40 per cent of the warm air generated by your HVAC system can be lost through leaks, cracks, and faulty ducts. The consequence of this loss is a waste of power and money. In addition, all that heated or cooled air allows hot or cold air to enter your living space.

This means that signs of blocked air ducts may affect not only your heating and cooling system but will most likely affect your indoor air quality, too.

Blocked air ducts can lead to reduced airflow, increased energy bills, and decreased indoor air quality. Here are some steps to take if you suspect you have blocked air ducts:

  • Check for blockages: Check your air ducts for any visible blockages, such as dust, debris, or animal nests. If you see any blockages, remove them carefully.
  • Change air filters: Dirty air filters can cause blockages in air ducts. Replace your air filters regularly to ensure proper airflow.
  • Clean air ducts: Hire a professional duct cleaning service to clean your air ducts thoroughly. They can use specialized equipment to remove dust, debris, and other blockages.

So, what are the signs of blocked air ducts you need to know? Signs of blocked drains anywhere in your system may include strange smells, such as burnt rubber or any other smelly odour.

1. Temperature Fluctuations

If you notice that your home is experiencing temperature fluctuations, your air ducts may be blocked. This may lead to hot and cold spots around the room. In addition, temperature fluctuations may also lead to sweating walls.

The worst-case scenario is when temperature fluctuations lead to mould bloom and result in high indoor air pollutants.

2. Mould Issues

Blocked air ducts may also lead to mould growth around the house, particularly in areas with consistent moisture. This may include basements and bathrooms.

Your ducts and registers may also have a cottage cheese-like substance resulting from mould growth.

3. Furnace Malfunctions

If your furnace is experiencing issues with its performance and operation, it may be due to blocked air ducts. Blocked air ducts may lead to the failure of your HVAC system.

If signs of blocked air ducts are left unattended, the results may include worsened indoor air quality and higher energy bills.

How to Check for Blocked Air Ducts

First, check the filters of your HVAC system. If the filters are clogged, that may be why your system is operating inefficiently.

To properly check your air duct system, you should begin by examining the register covers. If a register cover is loose, then you may need to tighten the register. You may also need to remove the register cover to check the duct.

In addition, make sure you check your duct registers along with your central furnace duct. The best way to check for signs of blocked air ducts is to use a flashlight and thoroughly examine the duct’s inside. Use a mirror if necessary.

Finally, check if there is any buildup at the bottom of your duct. Most often, you will find dirt in your main furnace duct.

If you don’t find any signs of blocked air ducts, then you may need to reach out to a heating contractor to inspect your HVAC system.

How do I know if my air duct is blocked?

Reduced airflow: If you notice that the airflow coming from your vents is weaker than usual, it may be a sign that your air ducts are blocked. Uneven airflow: If some rooms in your house are getting less airflow than others, it may indicate that the air ducts leading to those rooms are blocked.

What happens if your duct is blocked?

Reduced airflow: The primary issue with blocked air ducts is reduced airflow. The blocked ducts restrict the amount of air that can flow through the system, leading to reduced heating or cooling performance and making your HVAC system work harder to maintain the desired temperature. Increased energy bills: When your HVAC system has to work harder to compensate for blocked ducts, it consumes more energy, resulting in higher energy bills.

How do I test my air ducts?

Testing your air ducts is an important part of maintaining a healthy indoor air quality and ensuring that your heating and cooling systems are working efficiently.

Visual inspection: Start by visually inspecting your air ducts to check for any signs of damage or leakage. Look for any cracks, holes, or gaps in the ductwork. Also, check for any loose connections or disconnected ducts.

Keep Your HVAC in Good Condition

While the signs of blocked air ducts may be substantial, there are also some minor signs you should watch out for. Some of those will include increased or higher heating costs, higher utility bills, and pest infestation such as cockroaches in your home. There are ways to tackle the problem before it reaches your living space, one of which is seeking the help of professionals.

Get quality air duct cleaning in Mississauga, Ontario today. Can Do Duct Cleaning specializes in duct cleaning services using first-rate equipment? Contact us! We service all cities across Ontario and the Greater Toronto Area.